
Azienda: Teapigs
Designer: Teapigs
Anno: 2006
Nazione: Inghilterra

Teapigs deals with the production and sale of quality tea, in consideration of social environmental sustainability, financing with part of the profits the education and growth of local communities, from which it purchases the raw material. Unlike the polypropylene wrappers usually used in tea bag packaging, Teapigs uses a similar but much more sustainable material, Natureflex, derived from wood, making it compostable and biodegradable. The tea bags are also biodegradable, as they are made of corn starch. Teapigs is a member of The Ethical Tea Partnership (ETP); a non-profit organization, which works to improve the sustainability of tea, the lives and livelihoods of tea workers and smallholder farmers, and the environment in which it is produced.